Rusty Berry's official response........

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by ChrisM on April 08, 2004 at 15:09:53:

In Reply to: harassing angel sharks posted by Chris on April 07, 2004 at 22:08:09:

He said it could be posted in his email to a friend of mine....

"Playing with angel sharks doesn't hurt the animals in anyway. I read the posts on your board, and you can post this to your board as well. Whether it's chopping up sea urchins to feed the garibaldi, or doing shark feeds, spearfishing, lobster hunting or playing with angel sharks someone always has a beef with something. The guys that have a beef with it need to get over it, or come out and try it. If someone has some major issue with it, have them call me the number's on the web page. Guys, diving is supposed to be fun....we as retailers make it that way. I usually don't respond to bulletin boards because they are generally are made up of a vocal minority of guys that just don't dive, but spend their time on the computer going from their bulletin board to porn. No ass kissing here. Bye.
Warmest Regards,
Rusty Berry, Aquatic Outfitters, Inc.
Scuba Schools of America
Montclair/Woodland Hills"

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