Florida verus California Dive Flag Laws

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Posted by Mojostone on April 14, 2004 at 08:21:10:

In Reply to: Diver Flag Law, Proceed with Caution posted by Melvin Pasley on April 13, 2004 at 17:52:42:

I also prefer dive flags to be optional. (Just one more piece of gear to pack in.) Although when a diver uses a dive flag it should be honored by the public. Which it isn't in California.

My opinion is only based on 3 weeks in Florida in about 1990. Dived Santa Fe River near Ginnie Springs and did some diving in the Florida Keys. The dive flag was much more respected in Florida than California. Although I believe Florida had a mandatory dive flag for divers. Which I don't care for. I think the difference is because Florida enforces it's dive flag laws. I have never seen or heard of anyone getting a ticket for ignoring a dive flag in California. Also has anyone seen any public education ads concerning divers flag. http://www.floridascubahound.com/dive_flag_laws.htm

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