May 13 Spear fishing program with Larry Carter of the IUSA

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Sea Sabres on April 29, 2004 at 01:16:25:

Dear Divers, Family and Friends of the dive community,

Mark your calendars, and check your maps. We have a real treat for you. Mr. Carter of The International Underwater Spearfishing Association and holder of two world spearfishing records has been gracious enough to share an evening with the Sea Sabres and friends.

He will personally narrate exciting, personal spear fishing video footage that will take us into the realm of the "blue water hunter". Mr. Carter as a free diver hunter of many years, will have some choice anecdotes to share. Afterward Mr. Carter will conduct an informal clinic, with questions and answers.

If you're a diver with a bubble machine or you are a breath holder and enjoy the challenge of the underwater hunt or... would like to, this will be a great opportunity to gain new insights and see real spearfishing action. His straight forward candor and deep knowledge of this exciting aspect of diving is sure to make this an event you will not, want to miss. (Please see bio below)

International Underwater Spearfishing Association Larry CarterPresident of the Board
Larry is a retired Chief of Police serving for 32 years in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. He has been diving since the late 1950’s and has had the pleasure and honor of diving with some of the sports legends such as the late great Al Schneppershoff and Yas Ikeda as well as Bob Stanbery, Charlie Sturgill, Gary Thompson, and Terry Maas. Larry has held two IUSA World Records the most recent being a 122 pound Sailfish. He is a contributing writer to Hawaii Skin Diver Magazine often writing about Spearo adventures in Baja Mexico. He has just finished two terms as the President of the Los Angeles Fathomiers a spearfishing club having approximately a hundred members. Larry had devoted his life to the support and service of his metropolitan community and he now plans to bring that same level of service to the Spearfishing Community. He encourages any and all input you may have in that regard

Meeting Location:
Fullerton Community Savings
(Two Blocks West of the 57 Freeway)
2400 E. Chapman Ave, Fullerton.
S.E. corner of State College & Chapman North of 91 FWY

Meeting Time : May 13, 2004
7:15pm to 9:15-930pm /Program Starts at 8:00pm+/-

Thanks from all of us,

Sea Sabres Dive Club

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