Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by ONE EYE on April 30, 2004 at 14:57:49:

Is it just me, or does it seem like PADI keeps falling deeper and deeper into the poo-poo platter. There seems to be a high ratio of PADI divers involved in these "news-breaking" diving incidents. Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying that all involved with PADI suck or are incompetent, but it appears that a trend exists.

To my PADI friends, yes, I know you wished you had listened to me when I suggested where you should go for a scuba cert., but now you’re paying for it. Yeah, I know you wish you knew about the water and equipment as much as I do, but you made your bed so lay in it. Just kidding…

PADI, or should I say “Passport Ability Diving Instruction” should reevaluate their mission statement. I mean, I know there’s some money to be made by cranking out certified divers, but how do you go to sleep at night knowing you gave someone a cert. that shouldn’t be even swimming???

I guess there are enough people out there to keep doing it. Who really cares, right? Just as long as the bling keeps coming in. It’s organizations with that kind of mentality that turns a good sport into a bad one; making all the other orgs who are doing it right pay for their slack by having to look at their training methodologies.

Good going.

As Grucho Marx once said, “I’m going to go upstairs and… bend one in.”

-One Eye

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