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Posted by happy on May 03, 2004 at 08:47:14:

In Reply to: Re: Let's just sue the dive boat operators out of existence, then there + posted by So Cal Divin on May 02, 2004 at 17:48:58:

Consider the following:
1. High current day
2. Dense fog
3. Highly advanced dive site
4. Possibly no smb in diver's posession
5. Bad wind and chop day
6. Low underwater vis day
7. Possibly inexperienced diver
- Call the dive -
8. Error on log entry
9. Error on log entry
10. Error in search techniques (CG)
Diver could have ditched tanks /reg and swam for shore at some point. 1 knot * 4 hours = 4 miles. Add the wind wave current and you might double that speed.
Ask yourself, "How many times have I called a dive?"

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