Re: If we need to start siting studies.../Elaine

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Posted by Tristen on May 28, 2004 at 18:49:19:

In Reply to: If we need to start siting studies... posted by Rolio Tomasi on May 27, 2004 at 18:42:53:

Elaine will never post such studies because the reality is she knows like anyone with half a brain that pulsing strobe lights into the eyes of noctural fish whose eyes are so sensitive that they can see in near darkness is harmful to them, but you see, Elaine must stick her eco-nose in other peoples business while ignoring her own harassment of marine life because it suits her.

Nice hypocrisy.....

This is a common tactic when a person has an untenable position, the deflection tactic.

She already seems to have major wood for guys with rebreathers....I think anyone who has a camera should be made to undergo rigorous marine life sensitivity training and regulation and reguarly undergo ongoing education and certification and all strobes should be banned or at least regulated, with people like Elaine needing to go through a 15 day cooling off period before they can buy one.

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