Re: I was curious.

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Posted by Brad on June 12, 2004 at 22:54:58:

In Reply to: Re: I was curious. posted by Sonke on June 12, 2004 at 22:04:21:

i had an encounter at San Clemente Island that convinced me there is a lot more going on than can be described in scientific terms...

i was in a small cove and there was a giant 4-5ft long making his circuit. Every few minutes it would come thru and make its rounds in a predictable manor. I just waited for him to appear and tried to get a picture without scaring him away. This went on for over a half hour when he finally he broke his pattern and swam toward deeper water. As i swam away, i saw another mature giant dart under me and get right along side the other one as they both vanished into the deep.

The entire time i was in that cove, i only saw the one fish, so i remained puzzled as to how the second fish knew it was time to leave...

The Giants are a state treasure~

All it takes is one encounter to convince any one of that.

I'm very glad you and your son had such an encounter Sonke, it bodes well for the future of the giants!

By the end of the week, i will be fully licensed to (complain)


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