that tuna doesn't get canned

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Posted by Brad on June 24, 2004 at 15:38:49:

In Reply to: There's a lot of grey area out there... posted by Ross-O on June 23, 2004 at 23:24:32:

it goes straight to Asia where it is used for sushi.

there is a very detrimental connection to our waters though, please check out this link:

you will see that literally millions of pounds of OUR sardines are extracted and sent overseas to be used primarialy in two industries, one of them being the feeding of the penned bluefin in australia, the other for longline bait in asia.

Either way, we are exporting OUR vital forage and a handfull of fishers and brokers are getting rich.

we all share the loss, but do we share the profit??????

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