Dive spots in the very north end of Ca.

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Posted by Eric S on June 24, 2004 at 20:32:51:

I've been working all the way up in Eureka the past 5 weeks repairing a yacht.

Just north of Eureka is the small seaside town of Trinidad. It is a charming little place complete with a few great restaurants, shops, and a nice little marina tucked behind a big headland in a cove.
About 7 miles north and 5 miles out from land is a huge rock towering out of the ocean called Redding Rock. According to locals this rock sports some of the biggest lingcod and scallops in the entire state. The rock plummets straight down 200 feet to the ocean floor which is a gravel/cobblestone bottom.
The rock does ,according to sources, have some swift currents and is frequently visited and patrolled by Mr. Whitey
but at that end of the state what else is new.
Dale ,Steve, Larry and I will be making a trip soon to this spot and I will let you know how it was.
We also get to stay in my former client's luxury vacation home overlooking Trinidad bay for free while he is sailing in Mexico.
Touche` to all you people who post reports about tropical dive vacations, hope this makes you jealous. (Sarcastic smirk)
The only thing missing is vis and warm water. I have a drysuit and we don't need no stinkin vis!

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