I think these pictures of Paul aren't enough

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Posted by Chris Knight on June 27, 2004 at 02:04:28:

He's an inspiration to so many divers in Los Angeles and a teacher to many more. We've lost a man who cared more about the ocean and those of us who dove in it than he did about himself.

I'll never be able to walk into the water at Whites point and not think about him. I'll also never hesitate to jump in the water at WP and let County divers know what it means to dive there.

I speak for 100's of county Instructors when I say we will never forget Paul as he was the best of what we are and also what we should strive to be.

Dive and care. Be aware of the ocean life around you. Protect it and share the reasons why. Paul was about that.

I only hope that we can live our ocean lives at a fraction of what Paul did. That way we know that Paul's life and message weren't for naught.

To the deeper waters,

Chris Knight

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