Re: Into the F&G grey area??? Not so grey.

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Posted by Pasley on July 17, 2004 at 11:35:35:

In Reply to: Re: Into the F&G grey area??? Not so grey. posted by Sonke on July 16, 2004 at 19:07:27:

I agree that ANGLERS may chum to fish. The key word here is ANGLERS.

Where we disagree is that the DFG book (Ocean Sport Fishing California Marine Regulations 2004) defines chumming and in the definition clearly states it may be done while ANGLING. The same book defines ANGLING. My original post provided page and paragraph numbers for these references as well as the direct quotes. Now, does angling (fishing with line and hook) include spear guns and pole spears? It does not appear to do so from the definition, but DFG may take a broader view than what is specified in their book. I merely pointed out that the rules may be different for line/pole and line fishing than for spear fishing.

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