Re: Into the F&G grey area??? Not so grey.

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Posted by Pasley on July 17, 2004 at 17:59:57:

In Reply to: Re: Into the F&G grey area??? Not so grey. posted by seahunt on July 17, 2004 at 16:14:15:

Good point and as I stated, they may have a different interpetation, I know I would personally, but what their book says is specific. They should change the definitioin of chumming or angling to be more inclusive.

To put it another way. You are correct. But the written word does not agree with what is being said. Now as acting head of DFG he does have a better view. But their printed books would appear not to agree. Not the first or last time that has happened. but when someone is in court, and the judge is deciding the case the written word does tend to rule. Seveal laws ahve been passed in the past, and then had unintended applications by the judge based on the word as written.

Can you use abolone scraps and then spear fish over them? Most likely, but the definition of chumming and angling would appear (note the use of the waffle term appear) to not permit it. Personaly don't care one way or teh otehr. I only attempted to look in the book and provide an asnswer based on the written regulatioins as provided to the general public. The actual DFG regulations very likely have slightly different wording and were made more hospitable to the public in the DFG publication.

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