Suspected Reef Hogging and insulting posts.

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Posted by Mojo Mike on July 19, 2004 at 18:13:58:

In Reply to: Re: You are jumping to conclusions also. posted by Rich Kerr on July 19, 2004 at 16:16:09:

I am a long time gun safety nut, regardless if a firearm or speargun. Never ever have a loaded/unloaded gun pointed at anyone. Now if someone jumps in front of your gun or your gun is surrounded by unwanted intruders. Responability should be shared or even reversed. Which appears it should be in this case. I personally would have unloaded before hurdling insults, but insults I would have hurdled.

It disturbs me, the insults pointed towards your wife. This was not called for and I think most people here would agree. Personal insults are a waste of time and most of us would prefer they weren't here.

I am confused why this dive boat felt that they had to be exactly there. Was the only sandy spot for students, there or what ??? Would be happy if the dive boat would give a good answer here.

I am use to jet skis and drunk boaters disregarding dive flags. Which by California law does not restrict distance of a boat. I just feel a dive boat should have more respect for a dive flag.

Now if you believe in Karma ;-) What comes around, goes around.

A dive boat displays a huge divers flag at anchor. A crusie ship pulls up along side. Over the cruise ship's loudspeaker, they ask if there are divers in the water. One of the divers looks up at the huge anchor as it is released. Oh, NOOOOOOOOO, the diver screams, as the huge anchor crashes through the deck and hull. Perhaps chumming the water and making the fisherman happy. At the Coast Guard inquiry, the skipper of the cruise ship insists the divers said NOOOOOOOO! When he asks if there were divers in the water. After all there were a thousand or more vacationers on board the cruise ship as witnesses ;-)

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