Re: Bottomscratcher Too Close the Photo

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Posted by Rich Kerr on July 20, 2004 at 05:49:18:

In Reply to: Re: Bottomscratcher Too Close the Photo posted by Elaine on July 20, 2004 at 00:54:26:

Elaine, First I really love you photos. Second, the photo was taken with a new {stock} Sony Cybreshot 4.1 {not zoomed or anything} my wife to the picture as we were getting ready to leave. and yes he is on the rocks we were at the edge of the reef, he dropped his hook on the reef right at the edge of the kelp line. What you are seeing on the bottom left is the edge of the cabin on my boat. On the right bottom is my arm and the bimini frame. The other pic I have is the same and the video has a little to much language to post without some edit work. But the fact is we were there first and he was too close for no reason.

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