Marineland dive report

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Jeff Shaw on July 22, 2004 at 15:43:21:

Dove Marineland today.
I am no good at judging vis, so some guidelines here would be good.
I’d guess 20 feet some places three to zero in others.

We left from the pebble cove and went left around the reef. Lots of kelp fish and a few rockfish. A big school of Opaleye, one lobster and some fun crabs. Spanish shawl everywhere. Lots of small but interesting fish.
This was my buddy’s first time here so we scouted about till we got to that cave. The cave was a bad idea as bubble white out conditions made us think twice.

There was this Giant family of Samoan looking folk who had decided to make this a picknick spot. They were all having a blast, and got a kick out of the frogmen. This has got to be the ultimate picknick spot for a big family like that. The kids were splashing about in the waves with snorkels. My buddy and I joked about sneaking up and grabbing one of their ankles. Adult thinking ruled and we just waved upon our return.

Super dive. Next time we will go to the point.


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