Triggerfish at Marineland

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on July 25, 2004 at 11:11:41:

I had one of my best dives ever at Marineland this morning. The visibility was up from last week. 15-20 feet on the offshore reefs to the East of the cove. While practicing different techniques with my camera (I still suck) I found an 18" Triggerfish in a crevice. I took a few shots, but only from the rear. I thought about touching it to make it move for me, but decided against it. It didn't matter, as he suddenly turned and bolted for the surface. I saw him cruising along the reef later, but couldn't get close enough for a shot. After my battery charges I'll try to post some of the shots I did get. All in all, a very fun dive at an old favorite site. Little to no surf, 5F at 40 feet, 15-20 feet vis, 1:30 bottom time.

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