PSMFC Announces Additional Funding for Cooperative Research Opportunitie

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Posted by on July 27, 2004 at 18:58:57:

In an effort to reach the broadest audience, this information is being sent via email; some may have already received this information in another format.

For the second year NOAA Fisheries is sponsoring a Cooperative Research Program to assist the fishing industry in the collection of needed West Coast Groundfish Data.

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) has a grant of $450,000 from NOAA Fisheries to fund partnerships among commercial fishermen, researchers, and other stakeholders to become active participants in cooperative research, for West Coast Groundfish.

Federal agencies or their employees are not eligible, but state agencies and universities in cooperation with fishermen are eligible. Fishermen, from all three states, Oregon, Washington and California, may apply directly but they must work in cooperation with researchers.

The deadline for submitting proposals to the PSMFC is AUGUST 20, 2004.

Project selection will be announced on September 1, 2004.

For more information, see

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