Mola mola

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by jlyle on August 01, 2004 at 09:11:56:

Yesterday, we went looking for mola mola in the channel between Catalina Island and the mainland. Scott & Margaret had spotted several last weekend and we wanted to see if we could find some to photograph. We motored around offshore, finding none, for quite a while before giving up and electing to return to Palos Verdes to dive the wreck of the Avalon. On our way back, Scott suddenly stopped the boat and pointed at what looked like a big plastic bag in the water. Guess what, a Mola mola! We quickly suited up and the big, strange fish stayed to play. I slipped into the water and floated motionless...the mola mola was curious and he made several close passes. I could clearly see his eye rotate to take me in while I did the same to him. Roger and Judy had, by this time, also entered the water with their cameras and took the following images:

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