its good for variety

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Posted by Northcoast_diver on August 05, 2004 at 10:05:26:

In Reply to: I'll be diving Mendo this afternoon.... posted by seahunt on August 05, 2004 at 05:59:54:

Like anything else, whatever is in your own back yard you tend to take for granted, and whatever is exotic and miles away, you tend to glamourize as exotic.

If we had to say what is the best diving in California, that would be different for everyone.

Northern Californians would be thrilled at the sight of a single garibaldi, since those are normally not seen up here on the north coast. Vermillion rock fish are as close as we come to their likeness. Lobsters are extremely rare up here as well, and you might only see one in a rocky ledge, and it might not be there next year again.

The Channel Islands for scuba evoke the same kind of reaction up here along the north coast that Seahunt feels for Mendocino. It all depends on what is in your own back yard, and what is exotic, to you.

I hope the winds and the waves are calm while those of you who are up here are visiting and diving. Up here you can't just walk into the water whenever you want. It all depends on the wind and the waves.

I hope you have a great time. Its good for variety.

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