Re: EANx, O2, safety, pro- & con- use, etc, etc

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Elaine on August 20, 2004 at 14:55:45:

In Reply to: EANx, O2, safety, pro- & con- use, etc, etc posted by Jeff in landlocked #$%^*+ arizona on August 20, 2004 at 09:30:15:

I don't know Jeff. I've used nitrox and I believe.
Nitrox hasn't quite caught on in California as it has elsewhere. I don't know why. But, it slowly does seem to be becomming more available here than it used to be.
Think of all of the things that you know about business, liability, cost, the dive training agencies, and, the overall effect it would have on the dive industry if nitrox because the standard fare. The bright side is that as long as there is no "proof" that Nitrox and oxygen offer substantial benefit, the freedom of personal choice will rule.

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