Great Diving

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Posted by Captain Tim Burke on August 23, 2004 at 18:35:52:

Monday, August 23, 2004
For two times in less a month we have made it to Begg Rock. What a dive. The last trip was charted by Ocean Safari and we had a great time.
We left the dock at 11:30 Friday night, I took the first watch, and “Master Mate” Kim Lancaster took the second watch. She turned to boat over to Kendel after she rounded SBI and Kendel took the boat to within 3 miles and woke me to take her the rest of the way in. I dropped the hook in 60’ of water with 30’ under us. We could see the bottom. A first for Begg Rock. We made 3 dives and decided not to push our luck anymore. Off to the “Boilers”. Good dive but no vis. Then off to “Dutch Harbor” and again no vis. Moved to the “Sand Spit” and still no vis. Gab asked where we could go for good vis and I said SBI.
Next morning we dove at “Sutle Island” with over 80’ vis. Then over to “Black Caverns” again vis around 70’. Then over to “3 Sisters” on the ocean side, and finally to “Webster’s Point” for the last dive. Great diving all around, and crewmember Freddy, with a new spear gun is getting us some very tasty dinners these days.
SBI is my favorite island to dive. There are drop offs from 50’ to 150’. Shear walls. I don’t know of any other island that has that to offer. Only problem is, when the weather is not good, SBI sucks. You have to dive in the “Rookery” area and guess what? All there is to see is sand and sea lions. The “Three Mooosecateers will not make it this weekend, by rest assured, they will be there for “Bug Season”.
Captain Tim

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