Could these photos be taken in Southern California? -rare unusual fish?

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Posted by kylecawaza on August 25, 2004 at 19:57:27:

I was looking at this photo album on the web, and for the most part, it looked like it could of been in Southern California, but I saw a rainbow wrasse in it (5th row from the bottom, which I haven't read about being in Southern California) and then the second photo can be omiteed because it specifically states that it was taken in Panama, otherwise, could the rest be in the state? Also, there is one of a moon sponge that looks like it could have some coral next to it, or something I do not know of.

This brings me to another topic. What are some unusual things you have encountered off the waters of California? At Barnes and Noble, I was reding a book on fish in Southern California, and there was a photo of a triggerfish saying that it is a rare migrant, has anyone seen these, or other unusual fish like parrot fish, or some wrasse other than sheepheads? Thank you!

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