Downloading and Editing are different problems with different solutions.

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on November 22, 2004 at 17:56:12:

In Reply to: Question for Elaine or Chris posted by AADIVER on November 22, 2004 at 11:19:00:

Downloading and Editing are different problems with different solutions.

The Download solution is a function of the camera
you have. So what camera do you have?

Editing: I use Photoshop CS. 85% of it is for
doing really artsy-fartsy stuff. The other 15% is
the best in the biz. You just have to apply a mental
filter to ignore the rest of it.

The most important rule is to download with
maximum resolution and bit depth, and edit with
that until you are done editing. Use only a non-
lossy format such as TIF, PSD, or RAW (if your
camera and PhotoShop supports it) until you are
done editing. Then and only then, save it non-
lossy (in case you want to edit again), reduce
the resolution to what you want for the web or
e-mail, and save as JPG. JPG is a lossy
compression, and should NEVER be used for
intermediate results.



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