Re: mature male sheepshead, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by seahunt on November 24, 2004 at 00:40:01:

In Reply to: mature male sheepshead posted by tommy7 on November 23, 2004 at 13:33:40:

There are fewer than there were.
I'll start by saying I know all about hunting sheepheads. Even if I haven't done it in 10 years, I've taken my share.
They are very good to eat smoked. I always find some good way to prepare my game.
From waht I have seen, the sport divers don't matter any compared to the commercials.
Sheepheads remind me of Black Sea bass, though not quite as stupid. Still they are stupid enough that I suspect that they could use protection like the Black Sea Bass.
From my many years of experience, I believe that it doesn't matter if most people spear sheepheads. The rpoblem is a few people that get carried away. That is why I think a model like the punch cards for abalone would be appropriate. Take some if you want, but don't go personally slay a population. This is why the commercials are so damaging. The sheepheads at Cortes Banks were not cleaned out by sport fishers, but I remember how it was. Crowds of big fish used to just follow you, yet I don't remember anyone out there bothering to shoot them. They were there for bug.
Just my take.
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

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