Has anyone considered a protest?

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Posted by Deb Karimoto on December 07, 2004 at 08:42:41:

In Reply to: DREDGE MATERIAL DUMP SOUTH OF REDONDO PIER posted by Patrick Smith on December 06, 2004 at 09:31:04:

There seems to be dissatisfaction with this project for a variety of reasons. Has anyone considered alternatives? Is there enough dissatisfaction to organize and ask the city to pump the dredged sand farther out to sea?

Newport Beach residents recently fought and won against a Santa Ana River dredging project that was going to dump the sand onto NB shores for replenishment. Instead, the dredged sand will be pumped off-shore, eventually making its way back to the beach using natural wave action to replenish the beach.

I only casually followed the news on it so my facts are sketchy, but I can tell you I was impressed with the protesters for their resolve and with the officials who were able to come up with an alternative that seems to make all parties happy.

Has Surfrider in your area piped in on this topic? They could be dive community allies regarding this project. What about other water quality NGOs?

What are you waiting for??? Get organized and fight for what you need! Protect the nearshore critters and your own health by getting that sand moved elsewhere.

Debbie Karimoto

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