For Sale: New SeaQuest Balance BC, AqualungAirsource, &used AL tank

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Posted by Jason on January 03, 2005 at 17:02:02:


I'm selling a brand new BC- SeaQuest Balance BC back inflation-
style, medium size. It's a great BC, but it's a little small on
me. I've never used it, it's still in the original box and you can
register it under your name. I'm asking $350, and it originally sold
for almost $500.

I also have an Aqualung Airsource (a really great combination
regulator/ power inflator that makes an octopus reg unnecessary-)
that can go with the above BC- I'm asking $175 (never used, it's
originally $225).
If you want both, I'll sell it for $475.

I also have an aluminum 80 tank. It's in great shape and I've taken
great care of it. I'm asking $75.
Here's all the details:
Silver/gray in color
3000 PSI rated pressure. Originally made and hydro'd in March 1987,
last hydro was done in July 2005. The visual inspection was October
of 2004. It has a valve cap, but no boot.
There is some light scuffing and general cosmetic blemishes, but for
a tank nearly 20 years old, it's in great condition.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!
Feel free to email me with any questions!

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