MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force Meeting Monday Jan 10, 2005 in Long Beach

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by on January 05, 2005 at 12:13:21:

Below please find the draft agenda for the second MLPA BRTF meeting to be held Monday and Tuesday, January 10-11, 2005.  A number of agenda items have associated briefing documents that may be of interest to you.  Some of those documents will be posted to the MLPA website ( with the agenda this evening. The remaining documents will be posted as they become available in the next few days.
The BRTF members will be meeting in Long Beach, but they will also be connected to Arcata, Sacramento, Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo by video teleconferencing. More details about those specific sites will be available on the MLPA website this evening. The video conference sites will be interactive; those wishing to provide public comment during the task force meeting may do so without traveling to Long Beach.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. With regards,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Monday, January 10, 2005

10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
1:00 - 8:00 p.m. BRTF field trip

Tuesday, January 11, 2005
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Lunch 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.

CSU Long Beach Foundation
6300 State University Drive
Long Beach, California

Members of the public are invited to participate in the meeting via
video conference at:

- Humboldt State University in Arcata

- National Marine Fisheries Service in Santa Cruz

- California State Association of Counties in Sacramento

- California Department of Transportation in San Luis Obispo

Members of the public are also invited to view or listen to the meeting via Internet webcasting. Please visit the MLPA website at for more information.

Public participation: those present in Long Beach and those participating by video conference will be invited by the chair at several points in the meeting to offer comments on agenda items and the work of the Blue Ribbon Task Force.


Introduction and Welcome
Phil Isenberg, Chair, MLPA Initiative Blue Ribbon Task Force

Perspectives on Our Work
John Kirlin, Executive Director, MLPA Initiative

Follow-up Items from Prior BRTF Meeting
John Kirlin, Executive Director, MLPA Initiative

A. October 2004 meeting summary

B. Update on tasks and actions items from previous meeting

Master Plan Science Advisory Team (Science Team)
Mike Weber, Senior MLPA Project Manager and John Ugoretz, MLPA Policy Advisor, DFG

A. Appointments and first meeting summary

B. Meeting schedule

Statewide Interests Group
Melissa Miller-Henson, Operations & Communications Manager, MLPA

A. Appointments and first meeting summary

B. Meeting schedule

Task Force Operations and Budget
Phil Isenberg, Chair, and John Kirlin, Executive Director

A. Schedule of meetings, and key process and decision points

B. TASK FORCE ACTION: adopt principles to address potential exposure to legal expenses

C. Status of staffing and contracts

D. TASK FORCE ACTION: adopt revised travel reimbursement guidelines

E. Presentation of draft Task Force and Initiative budgets

F. TASK FORCE ACTION: adopt Task Force Budget through June 30, 2005

Stakeholder Participation in MLPA Process
Melissa Miller-Henson, Operations & Communications Manager, MLPA Initiative

A. Presentation of revised Strategy for Stakeholder and Interested Public Participation

B. Public comment on revised strategy

C. TASK FORCE ACTION: adopt Strategy for Stakeholder and Interested Party Participation


Mapping Resources, Regulated Areas, Uses and Actors
John Ugoretz, MLPA Policy Advisor, DFG

Presentations (invited)

A. U.S. Military

B. National Marine Fisheries Service

C. National Marine Sanctuary Program

Work Plan for draft Master Plan Framework
Mike Weber, Senior Project Manager, MLPA Initiative

A. Presentation on progress in developing draft MPF

B. TASK FORCE ACTION: adopt revised table of contents for draft master plan framework

C. TASK FORCE ACTION: adopt work plan and timeline

Central Coast MLPA Project Area
John Kirlin, Executive Director, MLPA Initiative

A. Public comment on revised criteria for considering and selecting central coast project area

B. TASK FORCE ACTION: adopt criteria for considering and selecting central coast project area

Proposals for Alternative Networks of MPAs Information Required for Alternative Network Proposals
Mike Weber, Senior Project Manager, MLPA Initiative

A. Public comment on revised draft outline of information required for proposals for alternative networks of MPAs

B. TASK FORCE ACTION: adopt outline of information required for proposals for alternative networks of MPAs

Other Items

Public comment on task force meeting and items for future consideration

TASK FORCE ACTION: Set the draft agenda, time and place for next meeting
Phil Isenberg, Chair

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