Re: Keep 'em coming, Elaine. +

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Posted by Elaine on January 09, 2005 at 09:43:24:

In Reply to: Keep 'em coming, Elaine. + posted by jlyle on January 09, 2005 at 08:32:35:

Unfortunately, at least for a week, I'm out of trips to write about. It it doesn't dtop raining I may be able to dive in my back yard.

I didn't drop the camera on purpose. It was an OOOPPPSSS. I hung the strobe arm over my arm to free up my hand and I completely forgot about it. It could have been a disaster - I just read that my camera insurance does not cover diver error "uhoh I dropped it". Captain Ray actually noticed it was missing before I did. I heard him say something about going to get a GPS as I was gooing nose down trying to sink.

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