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Posted by seahunt on January 10, 2005 at 21:26:00:

In Reply to: Re: And you call yourself a diver posted by Doug Williams on January 10, 2005 at 21:03:09:

Well, Actually I've changed many things except the buddy. Otherwise there would be no Single Hose regulator, SPG, BC, computer, BP, Wing, Nitrox, Poney bottle, sausage or a few other things.
I still can't figure out much to do with a buddy. They wear out or break too easily. ... Unless I can find one to carry my gear. That'd be OK.
If ya want to critisize me make it constructive, accurate or humorous (then it need not be accurate or constructive)
Enjoy, seahunt
PS. I just got another USB drive with data, MP3 and recording capability, but I want one that also has FM and Camera capability. I'll have to wait probably a year. I may be a Luddite, but I like shiney new toys as much as the next guy.

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