Re: The responsible hunter

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Posted by Dave on January 11, 2005 at 17:00:02:

In Reply to: The responsible hunter posted by Elaine on January 11, 2005 at 15:07:04:


I want to make sure you understand that with the few exceptions where I might eat something right on the spot, I agree with sensible game management rules. As I previously mentioned, in some instances, I go further. But for the same reason Indians don't have to abide by laws relating to Salmon as they eat them, there are some laws I engage in civil disobedience on.

As much as Garibaldi are sea cockroaches and are pesky and everywhere, they are natures little critters too, and I don't use the cute/cuddle test to value life. I am the kook who catches black widows and other spiders now and t?en on my property and in my home and instead of killng them, I take them outside to live another day, although any insect that pierces my flesh and sucks my blood dies. I have gone off on guys hooking seagulls and drowning them on the troll for sport, I have stopped idiots from shotgunning owls, I have unobtrusively flicked live flopping baitfish on the decks of fishing boat nto the water instead of suffocating on the boat deck...and so my buddies don't think I am an idiot, I quietly feel some guilt for any animal I eat.

My problem really isn't so much with game laws, as it is with the government who violates laws while demanding citizens not violate them. It is the hypocrisy of that treason that I rally against, nothing more.

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