Spam from Scuba Toys and Schools Inc.

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Jim Hoffmann on January 13, 2005 at 17:07:35:

This Spam is from Scuba Toys and Schools Inc.
Educational Opportunities
Equipment Workshop: learn about the history of scuba equipment, the in’s and out’s of Regulators, tanks, tank values, and BC’s. You will have a chance to take them apart and put them back to gather again (with no left over parts). Workshop starts on Jan. 17.
ITC: Scuba Toys will be hosting a NAUI Instructor Training Course (ITC) in May.
ICC: Instructor Cross–Over, and an Instructor Trainer workshop will also be conducted at the same time.
Call Scuba Toys at 714 527-0430 or E-mail: for information.

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