Horn Sharks- why are they attracted to me?

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Jason on February 11, 2005 at 18:49:47:

So I was diving here in SoCal the other night on a shallow reef and I must have run into 12-15 nice, big adult horn sharks, around 3 feet long and up. Some seemed to be a bit fat, and some were curious, swimming right at me, bumping into me. Others would follow me when I passed by, and I'm trying to figure why there were so many sharks present and why they seemed to be attracted to me.
Does anybody know if it's horn shark mating season? Or laying egg cases? Some of the sharks did look big, as if they might be pregnant. Or are they senstive/curious to strong electrical lights, etc? I'm intrigued! Anybody have an answer? Or another theory?

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