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Posted by Elaine on February 14, 2005 at 11:30:42:

In Reply to: Re: I think the discussion is very legit. posted by lucky on February 14, 2005 at 10:35:12:

As a diver I have no control over the boat, I have no control over the DM or the crew. As a diver I do have control over myself and how I react in the water to preserve my wellbeing. I want to make the best judgements possible.

I think what I have gotten out of this is to expand my thinking to not be dependent on the presence of a functioning boat and to consider my self rescue options if a boat isn't there any more when I surface. My personal experiences on the "Iron Eagle" keyed me into thinking along these lines several years ago and I think that it isn't something divers always think about.

We can't change anything but ourselves. OW training doesn't really teach you what to do when your boat disappears. Maybe it should.

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