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Posted by Dave on February 16, 2005 at 16:07:42:

In Reply to: Name choice? posted by Dan W on February 16, 2005 at 09:42:20:

""Finklebergsteinfindgoldschwartz" of the law firm of Lye, Cheet and Steel...

What the hell is this? Parody or not, you're offending people OTHER than divers who get lost at sea...jackass. "

Caucasian self-identified secular jews are disproportionately represented within the applicants trial lawyers profession insofar as to their numerical representation within society at large-a truth you cannto deny. Having said that truth, allow me to give you a little lesson in humor, since apparently it escapes you. What makes political parody/humor work is when it is based partially upon of truth, and caricaturized.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I DON'T CARE if I offend some people, ESPECIALLY if they are like you, and I would surmise via your crass ad homineum, that neither you do care, so it seems as if you are complaining about a behavior that you just engaged in yourself.

Don't you just love it when you get dismantled and demolished via the hypocrisy argument?

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