
Images from the Fourth - Marineland

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by jlyle on July 05, 2005 at 08:21:53:

Despite expectations, over the Fourth of July weekend, I was only able to do two dives. On Saturday, my boat friends had to work. On Sunday, I tore my drysuit's neck seal before the first dive. At last, on Monday, I wore my wife's drysuit (we wear the identical sizes) and was able to escape dryness and get in two dives.

On the first dive, we dove Buchannan's Reef near Old Marineland - reasonable 15 foot vis and very cold water (~50 degree or less). Lots of nudibranchs out crawling around. My buddies even found two new species - I didn't see them and don't have any photos - I guess I'll have to go back and hunt some more - darn!

The second dive was on the newly discovered (thanks to Phil, aka MaxBottomtime) "dock" structure. Here, visibility was very poor - maybe five foot max. It was an interesting dive - the "dock," if that's what it is, is rectangular with large tire bumpers and a badly deteriorating wooden deck. Some old fishing nets give an eerie counterpoint to the site.

I didn't see Phil (MaxBottomtime) on the bluffs waving to us or I would have taken a picture of him!

Here are a few images from the dives:

Hermissenda crassicornis

Lots of Triopha catalinae on the reef - some of them quite large.

Diaulula sandiegensis

A tiny, unidentified snail

Scorpaenichthys marmoratus

When I looked at my images on the computer, I noticed that this nudibranch has a little hitchhiker on its back. Leslie was kind enough to identify it as a juvenile, type of scale worm, family Polynoidae.

Blown up

The end - yes, I know!

Olympus c5050/PT-015 with dual DS-125 strobes

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