
Marineland July 16th

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on July 16, 2005 at 16:17:59:

Date:July 16th
Dive Location:Marineland
Time: 9:20
Bottom Time: 1:10
Max Depth: 67'
Vis: 0-15'
Wave height: 1-6'
Temp at depth: 56F
Gas mix: Air (21%)
Comments:I joined Claudette and Carlos for yet another Marineland dive. We entered at the cove and made the surface swim to the point. With a strong surface current going that way it was a fairly easy swim. We dropped down near the outside of the reef in 60 feet of murky water. Once on the bottom, the hunt was on for life. We found the usual spectacular colors splashed on every rock from sponges, algae, anemones and nudibranchs.

Claudette pointed out the fattest Cabezon in the World. His head looked like a basketball.

There were also a few nice sized Lingcod in the area. Some of the rocks there are like mini pinnacles. One in particular rose off the bottom at 45 feet and its vertical wall jutted skyward around 25 feet. Every inch of it was covered in a carpet of colorful animals.
Our exit was as graceful as we could manage in high surf. Carlos made it out first without incident while Claudette and I waited out the next set. I used the power of a six footer to push me close enough to walk out without getting pounded. When I got to dry land I noticed that my camera was no longer in my possesion. After a brief search Claudette spotted it in the foamberg floating just offshore. I went back in without my tanks and thankfully retrieved it. Things could be worse. Ask Christian (Headhunter) about his new bruises and abrasions. :-)

After the dive, Jeff Shaw and I did a little trespassing on the old site and found a man and two kids playing good guy vs. bad guys in the old buildings with air guns. It looked like fun.

Vandals have destroyed everything within the site, but it will all be bulldozed in two months anyway.

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