

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Mojostone on August 07, 2005 at 01:54:39:

In Reply to: Diving La Jolla, full report posted by Max Bottomtime on August 06, 2005 at 23:40:43:

Some divers look really good in pink. Those northern California divers just don't know how to appreciate beauty. Many women look really good in pink. Now men have no business wearing pink whatsoever. Many shades of yellow follow close behind ;-) I really dislike yellow. My ex-wife many years ago bought a bright yellow AMC Pacer car. Just to get at me. When I divorced her she gave me the car along with the payments. Just to twist the knife a little more. The only thing that looks good in yellow are blondes ;-)

Thanks for the report I was debating between a shore dive at Palos Verdes or going on down to La Jolla this week. I think I will save the gas and get some exercise. I just hope some one posts a dive report for Palos Verde tomorrow.

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