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Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Eric S on August 17, 2005 at 08:48:39:

I want to add a little more to this report but Jon has been doing such a wonderful articulate job of writing I just hope I can keep up.

After running boat trips out all day on Saturday I returned to camp exausted and grabbed some of the wonderful food that people had cooked up. It was such a pleasure to see everyone having a blast and sharing great times when I arrived back at camp. It was about 4:30 by that time and I noticed my set of doubles siting over by my tent giving me the puppy dog eyes that they hadn't been used and were lonely.
I remembered that Jon had brought his doubles also so I wandered over and disscussed the possibility of burning them down as a nice trip capper. No sooner said it was done , we were gearing up with a fury!
I was running around the campsite looking for the boat key I keep in an otter box and It was nowhere to be found. We got our gear down to the boat and I swam out to it and couldn't find them anywhere.
I wandered up the hill on a hunch and sure enough, found them right by the fish cleaning station. I love the honesty of the North Coast.
Jon, Myself and Jenny, who loves the ocean and wanted to just take a boat ride, set off North to find a great last spot.
I went all the way up to a large bay that was very calm and glassy that is right where Fisk Mill cove is. We anchored off shore on a reef that I know that is productive for nice reds. As we were gearing up we saw a few northern black porpoises swimming by. It was a glass calm sea with not even a whisper of wind. The sea was gently rolling under the boat. The sky was overcast but as the sun was getting low in the sky the mist began to part as if it was an omen and god was stage lighting this part of the sea just for us.
We got in and began going all over checking every thing out. The deepest at this site was probably 65 feet and most of the dive averaged 50 so it wasn't a very deep dive, but it did last for an hour and ten minutes. I was very, very impressed with Jon's skills as a GUE trained diver, I must say. It was a real pleasure to dive with someone who had better skills than I. So many times people who don't dive up here aren't prepared and especially when the conditions are normal (a lot rougher)I worry like crazy and can't relax, but this was definitely not the case. He had one of those Halcyon 18w HID canister lights that you can light stuff on fire with. That's gonna be my next toy!
I managed to shoot 2 nice size reds, one was huge.
We didnt get back to camp till almost 8. Everyone was starting to worry and when we got back to camp we were greeted with a roaring aplause!
That evening was some of the best partying I've done in a long time. I will need to write a separate report for that one!

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