
Marineland NOT closed

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Pasley on August 23, 2005 at 23:20:25:

Due to reports of divers being turned away from Marineland and being told the Costal Commission had approved closure of the dive site during construction, I called the Costal Commmsion last week to inquire.

Today (23 Aug 05)I received a return call from the California Costal Commission office. Here is the short of what they said.
1. Construction has NOT yet started at marineland. A movie shoot has started and the rent-a-cops work for them not the property owners or the construction company.
2. The Costal Commission has NOT agreed that they, or the poperty owner or construction company can deny access during construction.
3. They (Commision)do recognize that during the grading and construction of the road or trail down to the water, there may in fact be a short period of time when access will be by alternate route or even potentially curtailed for as short a time as possible.
4. They received a denial of access phone call from one other person who was a local and not a diver.
5. The Costal Commission is “investigating” this matter and will be keeping a close eye on divers access during the construction process.

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