
Re: A picture is worth a thousdand words - some to support Deb

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Posted by Deb Karimoto on September 16, 2005 at 15:24:59:

In Reply to: A picture is worth a thousdand words - some to support Deb posted by Elaine on September 16, 2005 at 15:05:15:

Yep. You're so right, Elaine. Some days it is almost barren out there. I've also wondered why fishers waste their time and money in certain places.

How many of us get really excited when we see a large male sheephead? Or a really good-sized calico bass?

Soon we'll be talking (arguing) about lobster season and whether to take the big daddies or leave them to reproduce. We'll never all agree on certain things. But if we can keep the lines of communication open and respectful it'll help all make their decisions based on good and hopefully sound scientific information and thoughtful discussion.

As always Elaine... great photos... even if they aren't of the beautiful big fish you'd hoped to capture.

I read recently of someone who loves to see big schools of baitfish. That thought had never occurred to me before but he/she mentioned being very happy that food is available for the larger fish. If there are no baitfish, there will be no big fish. I have a better perspective now for baitfish.... and THAT supports Captain Tim's request that fishers leave Italian Gardens alone.


OC Divebums

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