
Re: I'm very sorry to not see posts from the spearfishing community

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Posted by Nate on September 16, 2005 at 23:24:49:

In Reply to: I'm very sorry to not see posts from the spearfishing community posted by Elaine on September 16, 2005 at 21:43:29:


There are a few reasons why you haven't seen any spearfishermen speak up to defend their sport.

1) The post by Capt. Tim didn't really have anything to do with spearfishing. So even if a spearo was reading this (like me) he is probably not sure what he (I) should be defending against. Not even irresponsible spearos would go and spear a BSB at such a well travelled place as Catalina.

2) I'm not sure how many spearos come to this site frequently and consistently to read the recent flurry of posts on spearfishing. Most spearos in CA are freedivers and I believe this site has more of a scuba emphasis. I come here because I appreciate many of the pictures that you and others take. I have noticed that there hasn't been any pictures of species that I target: White Seabass and Yellowtail.

3) If the issue is spearos being on commercial dive boats, then I've got nothing to add because I've never been on one with scuba divers. And those that do go on them go on freediving trips only. I think only a small number go on the mix trips.

If it really is important for you to hear from the spearfishing community. I can refer you to some lists and websites and you can pose your questions to a more targeted audience.


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