
Re: Re: Molas - LONG

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Posted by Nate on September 17, 2005 at 16:29:19:

In Reply to: Re: Molas - LONG posted by Patrick on September 17, 2005 at 15:54:07:

I'm not even going respond to the veiled insults. But I thought your response to my comment (both pasted below) was worth seeing again.

Nate wrote:

"That's the problem I have with guys like you. You have no problems talking about killing (then downgraded to maiming) three human beings because they killed a fish which they kept (pressumably to eat). What if those guys rely on what they catch as a source of protein for their families?"

Patrick wrote:

"I try to bring enlightenment wherever I go. If sometimes it takes solution .45 to remedy intransigent stupidity, so be it. Humans are supposed to be wiser and compassionate, care about the environment, and I’m constantly disappointed in the examples I see and are often presented in various forums."

"I’m often disappointed in myself, but I’ll continue to work on being a better person." pretty funny.

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