
Why men like dogs & women like cats

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Posted by Dave on October 03, 2005 at 21:32:04:

In Reply to: I couldn't get past that picture. That was SICK. posted by Walt on October 03, 2005 at 13:12:38:

Men like dogs and women like cats. Why?

Men like dogs because dogs don't care what happens, they don't care what we do or say, they are just happy to be with us. Doesn't matter if it is driving, hiking, reading, snoozing, or reading about the latest TSA debacle while riding the porcelain throne, if they are with us, they are happy...dogs are loyal that way...

Guys wish women were that, loyal, undemanding, just happy to be with us......

Women like cats because cats are just like most women. They both have that rotten, selfish stuck up attitude of the cat who thinks to itself; "If you're lucky, I might let you scratch me", as if the cat is doung US the favor!

Just try asking your cat to jump in the Jeep and go for a hike up to the river....the cat will just tlook at you like; 'yeah, right, now go get me some wet cat food you ass"

Women know this, and it casts them in a poor light, so rather then own up to this poor attitude and isntead become the women with the warm, beautiful soul, instead they attack the messenger

Women should thank their lucky stars sheep and dogs can't cook....or guys would have no need for them.....


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