
Re: California torpedo ray (Torpedo californica) wallpaper

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Posted by Dr. Bill on October 11, 2005 at 11:18:51:

In Reply to: California torpedo ray (Torpedo californica) wallpaper posted by Chris on September 16, 2005 at 17:05:55:

Why, I can't believe "you" photogs stoop to shooting such interesting creatures as this torpedo ray. Shame on you!

I don't run into them often enough and my only UW footage of one is from a 7-8 min encounter just outside Catalina's dive park (don't tell the harbor patrol!).

When I was working with the Cousteaus in the mid-80's on their Channel Islands segment for the TBS "Rediscovery of the World" series, one of the divers on board Alcyone had a "shocking" experience with one. Clay knew what it was, but got a bit too close for the torpedo ray's comfort and got jolted. It kept him out of the water for a while!

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