
Trip Report and Photos: Sea Divers "Bugzilla" on the Peace

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Elaine on October 23, 2005 at 14:50:55:

Trip Report and Photos

Bugzilla with the Sea Divers on the Peace

October 4 - 5, 2005


I get so excited every year when it is lobster season. The outpouring of human energy and emotion over lobsters is so touching. Out of respect for the little guys I decided to participate in more lobster hunting trips this year. I thought it was so sweet that the Sea Divers chartered a boat for two whole days for lobster hunting.

This trip was scheduled to go to Cortes Bank. I've only been to Cortes once and I've always wanted to go back. I remember the cool waves in the middle of "nowhere" and the beyond belief visibility.

Cortes Bank Topside, Photo by Elaine Jobin

When I arrived at the Peace I learned that due to bad weather we wouldn't be making our scheduled 9pm departure, we would be leaving early in the morning instead.

Photo by Elaine Jobin

I was sad about the change in destination, but, I had a talk with my friend "Mr. Lobster" and he didn't mind too much. Mr. Lobster was just delighted to be going out on a boat on a real lobster hunting trip. This is Mr. Lobster bringing his spear gun down the boat ramp. Mr. Lobster loves to hunt.

Photo by Elaine Jobin

Mr. Lobster signed in and had some snacks.

Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin

He checked his gear.

Photo by Elaine Jobin

And socialized with Sea Divers friends for a while.

Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin

Next he brushed his teeth and got tucked in his bunk for a bumpy ride to his happy lobster hunting grounds.

Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin

Mr. Lobster was having such a nice trip until Chris burst the bubble.

Photo by Elaine Jobin

The Peace crew sat me down and patiently explained that this was a trip for people to hunt lobsters, it wasn't a trip for lobsters to go hunting.

Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin

Uh Oh, poor Mr. Lobster I tried to talk the Sea Divers into hunting for lobsters on the Oil Rig Grace. Somebody needs to document that there are no lobsters there, but, they wouldn't go for it.

Photo by Elaine Jobin

In the morning we were at our alternative Santa Cruz Island.

Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin

It wasn't long before the the first lobsters began arriving on the boat.

Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin

The terrain at the first several dive sites was very interesting. Many of the rocky reefs were carpeted with Colonial Sand Tube Worms.

Colonial Sand Tube Worm, Phragmatopoma californica, Photo by Elaine Jobin Colonial Sand Tube Worm, Phragmatopoma californica, Photo by Elaine Jobin

There were lots of critters suitable for macro and close up photography.

Photo by Elaine Jobin Navanax inermis,Photo by Elaine Jobin Anemone, Photo by Elaine Jobin San Diego Dorid, Diaulula sandiegensis, Photo by Elaine Jobin Cadlina Limbaughorum, Limbaugh's cadlina, Photo by Elaine Jobin San Diego Dorid, Diaulula sandiegensis, Photo by Elaine Jobin Blackeye Goby, Coryphopterus nicholsi, Photo by Elaine Jobin Club-Tipped Anemone, Corynactis californica, Photo by Elaine Jobin Tube-Dwelling Anemone, Pachycerianthus fimbriatus, Photo by Elaine Jobin Tube-Dwelling Anemone, Pachycerianthus fimbriatus, Photo by Elaine Jobin Anemone,Photo by Elaine Jobin Chestnut Cowry, Cypraea spadicea, Photo by Elaine Jobin Giant Green Anemone, Anthopleura xanthogrammica, Photo by Elaine Jobin

At some of the dive sites, visibility was very good.

Kelp Forset, Photo by Elaine Jobin Kelp Forest with Black Perch, Embiotoca jacksoni, Surfperch, Photo by Elaine Jobin Gorgonian, Photo by Elaine Jobin Diver in Kelpforest, Photo by Elaine Jobin

Day turned into evening and night. The kelp was lit by dive lights as the lobster hunting continued.

Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin

Diving on day two stated early at Santa Rosa Island. An interesting feature of some of the dive sites was the thick ground cover of sea cucumbers.

Sea Cucumber Field, Photo by Elaine Jobin Anisodoris nobilis on Red Volcano Sponge, Acarnus erithacus, in Sea Cucumber field. Photo by Elaine Jobin Tritonia festiva on Sea Cucumbers, Photo by Elaine Jobin Tritonia festiva on Sea Cucumbers, Photo by Elaine Jobin Tritonia festiva on Sea Cucumbers, Photo by Elaine Jobin Tritonia festiva on Sea Cucumbers, Photo by Elaine Jobin Tritonia festiva on Sea Cucumbers, Photo by Elaine Jobin White-Spotted Rose Anemone, Urticina lofotensis, formerly Tealia lofotensis, Photo by Elaine Jobin Anisodoris nobilis and Sea Cucumbers, Photo by Elaine Jobin

The boat continued to load up with lobsters.

Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin

On the last dives, Chris let me use his digital camera. I decided to keep it simple and shoot things that wouldn't move around too much, a Rockfish hung around and let me practice on him. The digital shutter lag has improved as Chris has upgraded his cameras, but it was still noticable to me - a dedicated film addict.

Kelp Rickfish, Sebastes atrovirens, Photo by Elaine Jobin Kelp Rickfish, Sebastes atrovirens, Photo by Elaine Jobin Kelp Rickfish, Sebastes atrovirens, Photo by Elaine Jobin Kelp Rickfish, Sebastes atrovirens, Photo by Elaine Jobin Kelp Rickfish, Sebastes atrovirens, Photo by Elaine Jobin Kelp Rickfish, Sebastes atrovirens, Photo by Elaine Jobin Kelp Rickfish, Sebastes atrovirens, Photo by Elaine Jobin Giant Spined Star, Pisaster giganteus, Photo by Elaine Jobin

Our diving over we headed back to Ventura 115 lobsters heavier.

Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin Photo by Elaine Jobin

Until next time........

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