
Diving with Dave

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Posted by Jeff Shaw on November 01, 2005 at 21:09:01:

In Reply to: Did it ever occur to you that..... posted by Dave on November 01, 2005 at 18:04:04:


Actually David, the broken record thing becomes a bit of comedy. Like the lady in the barstow cafe with too much makup and a beehive hairdoo. Some folks turn their passions into a well refined comedy routine.

Example: The Random Lengths newspaper in Pedro is so left that you can not rely on it for balanced information.
The passion pollutes the message.

PITA has a passion who's actions push some people away from their cause.
The passion pollutes the message.

Hyperpassion pollutes the message.

To deliver any message, there needs to be a balance that cultivates respect and benefits the message.

Dave, when your enthusiasm prevents your message's delivery it is time to regroup.
People have a hard time paying attention to a serious issue when they are laughing at you. Yours is a serious issue. Your delivery has become good comedy.

So get in the water more friend, it is good for you.

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