
You are ignorant

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Posted by = on November 02, 2005 at 01:04:12:

In Reply to: Care to back that up? posted by Dave on November 02, 2005 at 00:41:34:

It wasn't about equal protection dude - it was about equal rights. You ever sat in the back of a bus and had all the black folk sit in the front? It is about human decency.

Why would you ever defy your fish and game? Are they raping the women and burning crosses? No, they are enforcing the laws for environmental protectcion. Rosa stood up for black people so that we could enjoy the fruits of the earth just like everybody else. Human dignity and an environment that we can all enjoy are two different things dumb ass. I like to go to Central Park - you going to steal the bench and claim you have a right to it? Rosa would have spit in your face.

You slander her name by using it for your cause which has nothing to do with what her cause was. I feel very sorry for you because you don't have a clue. You are what Rosa faught against.

I knew this lost soul would still be up surfing at all hours. It is almost 4am here. I hung here because I knew this skin head was going to say something. My Taxi is waiting.

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