
Storing way to many tanks

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chris on November 21, 2005 at 19:20:45:

In Reply to: Storing tanks posted by jeff Shaw on November 21, 2005 at 19:06:44:

My tank farm is presently standing on the floor, under my work bench in the garage. The farm presently consists of (5)HP-120s, (1)HP-100, (1)set HP-100 twins, (7)HP-80s, (5)Steel-72s, (1)set steel LP-75 twins, (1)Al-30, (1)Al-15, (1)Steel-40 (1800 psi) w/ concave bottom, and one set of 40cf WWII 1800 psi bomber O2 bottles with j-valve manifold and straps connected to the bands.
I gave away my Al-80s because they suck!

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