
Re: Storing tanks

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Posted by ncd on November 22, 2005 at 10:48:11:

In Reply to: Storing tanks posted by jeff Shaw on November 21, 2005 at 19:06:44:

My single-car garage is not big enough to store tanks, and since I don’t want to turn the garage into a rat hole, like most people, I prefer to keep it fairly clear of anything other than my Jeep. The only thing in my garage besides my Jeep is therefore my garden hose, rolled up nicely in one corner, and a plastic cargo basket from Target in another corner, where I place my dripping wet weight belt and integrated soft weights after a scuba trip. The rest of the scuba gear I bring upstairs.

I am lucky to have an extra bedroom, where I keep most of my scuba gear. That is where the double tanks go (two sets of twins), together with the deco bottles (four single bottles). Then there are three footlockers with gear, one for tech gear, another for NDL gear, and a third for miscellaneous spare parts.

The other 4 single tanks for NDL diving fit nicely along the hallway.

Most people that I know do NOT have tank boots on their doubles. Therefore it is best to lie these tanks flat out, on the carpeted bedroom floor. Most people that I know DO have tank boots on their single tanks. Therefore these stand up nicely along the wall by themselves.

We had a slight earthquake here along the north coast recently. It knocked over my books on top of the bookshelf. However the single tanks that were standing in the hallway did not topple over. The carpeting on the floor would dampen their fall if they ever did tip.

If you are going to keep your tanks in your garage, you should cover them with a tarp. If they do not have tank boots on them, you may need to build some kind of crate out of pine wood to support them. Have fun. The hobby of scuba gets more and more all consuming as new problems present themselves for resolution. And that is what fun is.

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