
Redondo canyon rare photo & report

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Posted by scottfiji on November 22, 2005 at 19:59:34:

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I dove redondo canyon last night.

Billions of tiny shrimp were out, they were everywhere, it was amazing, from 20ft to 50ft depth. swarming everywhere! The mole crabs were out feeding on them, that was quite a sight! normally mole crabs are only in the sand.

Spiny mole crab feeding on tiny shrimp, a very rare sight

For the first time, a sarcastic fringehead wanted to bite my finger! well, he did, several times, he had no problem opening his mouth more than big enough! luckily I had good gloves on. I also found an octopus who stole the a fringehead's shell, the fringehead was right next to the shell, looking homeless.

Fringehead after biting my finger

billions of these shrimp everywhere, from 20-50ft

Lots of crabs were out, and lots of juvie horn sharks. I found a beautiful juvie cabezon in the detritus area, I'm seen them there before. Lots of sarcastic fringehead were out, along with the usual octos, flatfish, staghorn sculpins, roughspine sculpins, cusk eels, target shrimp, etc.

roughspine sculpin

hermit crab

rainbow perch

beautiful juvenile cabezon

juvenile horn shark

hemphill's kelp crab

sand dollar

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